Engaging the Gospel of Mary

This is a book based on The Gospel of Mary . It has a unique approach, though. It quotes a translated section of the book then follows that with a short essay of the passage, a poem related to the passage and five study questions dealing with the passage.

It also points out that a good bit of that gospel is missing.

At one point it discusses the upper world (angels, wisdom spirits, divine beings), the middle world (spirits of rocks, trees, etc) and the under world (helping spirits.)

There's an interesting part where the author says "the more laws, the more institutional-ism, division and duality. This is very much related to the Tao Te Ching passage 'The more laws, the more criminals.'

A significant portion of the book is where Andrew and Peter get rather nasty with Mary and imply that she doesn't know what she is talking about. This attitude comes from the attitude of that time (and unfortunately still at this time) that women aren't really that smart and aren't going to be more informed than men.

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