The Turn Shrould in 2022: my comments

The article points out the shrould has been documented back to the mid-1350's. This, of course, raises the question of where was it before that? Also, how was it protected from damage, who had it and how did it get passed down from one person to another? Also, who is there no documentation of its existence before that time?

The article says that the shroud is probably authentic.

The article also sights 'evidence' of its authenticity in showing where the body had been damaged. The problem with this is that it holds that the nails were driven through the hands but analysis of what would have really been done indicates that the nails would have been driven through the wrists rather than the middle of the hands in order to support the body.

This seems to be the believers will believe and the doubters will doubt until some kind of breakthrough science is able to give us a firm decision about the reality of the shroud and who was in it.

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