
This is a rather strange story. Lexi lives in a world where people can be arrested and not given any trial. They are branded into one of several groups and Lexi ends up being branded with lust. She is sentenced to living in an area known as The Hole which is pretty much worse than any slum one can imagine.

She is given a guard to keep track of her and she ends up getting a job at the local hospital. This all happens after World War V so it seems that the U.S. has been knocked back to a very primitive country where guys like the old warlords take sections and declare themselves in charge.

She had been abused when she was young. Now she lives in an area with very frequent gunfire and lots and lots of violence. Her life changes, though, when she takes care of a young girl who is dying. This moves then into a situation where the violence and shooting keeps increasing and her own life is in danger.

There's a revolt planned against the ruler but the fighters do not have the firepower of those who work for the ruler and they do not have the number of fighters they really need. Lexi's life is again on the line, this time with the lives of all the fighters.

The book has an ending that is probably fairly realistic considering the nature of what has been going on in The Hole.

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