Best Friends Forever

Faith and Dana have been invited to visit Shelly for two weeks on her farm. It becomes evident that the story is going to involve cultural prejudice, with Faith and Dana representing girls from big cities, and Shelley representing a girl from a 'country' area. The town Shelley is from is very small and the activities center around farming. Dana has a hard time dealing with Shelley's mother accepting domesticity rather than pursing a more active professional female role.

Dana says the town is like a 'foreign country.' Neither Dana nor Faith can understand why 4H is so important to the people there. Things also go very bad a Dana is nearly killed during a horse ride and all of them are nearly killed by a tornado.

One of the boys who lives there says he sees no sense in school. When Faith becomes ill she is taken to the hospital and her mother wants her moved to an Eastern hospital where she thinks the hospital care would be better. It turns out the quality of the care was the same. Faith and Dana end up realizing how snobbish they had been acting.

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