Sabotage at Willow Woods

George's cousin is running for City Council of a town and Nancy and the others go to visit her. There's a major division of feeling in the town about her. She wants to build a new stadium for the athletes at the high school (and this is partially due to her going to the same high school and being an athlete herself.)

The other group is a strong eco-oriented group that strongly protests the building of the stadium. They say that the athletes get everything but people ignore the non-athletes such as those in chess, debate, etc. They also say that the construction will result in a lot of trees being cut down .

The feelings get stronger and before long George's cousin is getting threatening messages. There's some violence (but nothing really very bad). Nancy makes a number of false assumptions, rather unusual for her.

So the problem is to catch the person who is behind all the troubles and try to come up with a solution to the construction problem that will satisfy both sides. A rather up-to-date and good story.

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