
Leyla is a young girl living in the year 1720 in the area of the Caucasus. Her father has gone off to war (as an artist) and not returned, and her mother is having severe money problems. Some representatives of the ruler of the country have come to her town and are looking for girls to take to Istanbul and she volunteers in order to make sure her mother has some money.

She's sent with numerous other girls and it's apparent that they are basically slaves; various girls are sold to various men in various places. She ends up in the Padishah's harem and is put to work in the garden since she has a natural ability in getting plants to grow.

The story describes the type of life she and the other girls have , some of the dangers of being in the harem, and examines the types of arts and crafts that the girls engage in.

Leyla is somewhat independent of spirit, however, and she does manage to get in trouble but always manages to get out.

She has a pleasant reunion with a family member and ends up shifting from working in the garden to being an artist.

It's another very good and very interesting story in the series.

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