Mr. Cheeters is Missing

It turns out that an important aspect of the story is the problem Bess has with her allergies, which tend to cause her to sneeze a lot and loudly. She may be allergic to all the stuffed animals she has and she doesn't want to get rid of them.

The mystery itself involves a woman who claims her pet chimpanzee has gone missing. It also seems that the chimp was wearing a diamond collar.

The story talks about some nasty animal testing that went on in the past and how the woman saved one chimp from the labs. The woman, by the way, lives at the Stratemeyer Estate. The woman is also a little bit on the somewhat looney side.

A relative of the woman, though, claims that the chimp doesn't not exist and the woman is just plain crazy. This ends up leading the girls to an old and very run-down circus, an ill tiger, Bess's sneezing being used to trace the chimp, the girls being caught and put in a cage with a very healthy and very hungry tiger, and a demonstration that animals may not be as dumb as some people think they are.

Nancy gets kidnapped (again), and this time gets to learn how to fly a helicopter. Of course, it's either fly it or crash and burn, so the incentive to learn was definitely there.

A fairly good story.

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