The Sign of the Twisted Candles


This is the 1968 printing and revised text of the story.

Again, the story is oriented around green. There's a very old man being kept in a tower at an inn by two people who are supposed to be caring for him. There's also a girl, Carol, for whom the two are foster-parents.

Asa is a very, very old man and greedy relatives and the two people in the inn are all after whatever money he has, although the two in the inn proceed to steal from him as much as they can.

Mr. Drew and Nancy become involved. This ends up causing problems with Bess and George, and for a good while Nancy has to work alone, or with Carol, or with her father to try to stop the thefts, locate other hidden wealth, and help Carol endure the very nasty way she is treated by her foster parents.

There's theft, a car chase, hidden treasure, a final will, a kidnapping and even an attempted murder in the book. It's quite filled with action and one of the best in the series so far.

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