Nancy Drew Ghost Stories

This is a 1983 paperback consisting of six 'bone-chilling tales of mystery and terror.'

Somewhat of an exaggeration, really.

Ghosts do figure into all of the stories but none, of course, are real ghosts. Greed is the theme common to the stories, though, as one or more people want something that is valuable. In one case it's a drug formula; in another it's four gold dog statues; gold figures in the third story, a substance to change the color of a flower in a fourth, and so on.

The short story format just doesn't work real well for Nancy Drew stories; things get condensed just to much. The stories are too similar and, I feel, at least one of them should have involved an actual ghost of some sort.

I'm not saying it's a bad book, but it's not up to the usual Nancy Drew standard.

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