Destiny's Twins

Someone seems to be first Alex then Cam, causing the two sisters to get mad at each other, thinking each other has said and done nasty things. Then they realize something is going on. There's a fake twin somewhere who seems to be trying to stop their initiation from happening.

The twin turns out to be a servant of Thantos that they are able to defeat. They spend a lot of time at school helping other students by using spells.

Cam and Alex go to Coventry Island for their final tests, but Sersee shows up at their house. They handle that problem, but then have to figure out how they can be on Coventry Island at the same time they are supposed to be at the house for their birthday parties.

On the island, they go through their tests, and the final thing, how to deal with Thantos, they solve in a brilliant manner.

This is a fitting and very, very good ending to the series.

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