Kindred Spirits

This is the seventh book in the series. Cam and Alex go to Coventry Island for the funeral of Karsh. They meet with Thantos and Miranda, get threatened by three teen-age witches, see a boyfriend turned into a panther, one of the twins gets turned into a hamster, and overall they have a rather bad time of things.

Which could make a fairly interesting story, except that there are too many things in the novel that make no sense (to me, at least) at all. Period.

Perhaps I expect stories to make logical sense. Perhaps I expect too much out of the characters. Yet, in relation to Alex and Cam, there is a background that has been established, a background of events which shows that they have been in danger and very likely could be in danger again.

There are those who would use them, perhaps kill them, if necessary. Karsh has been murdered; Ileana has lost her powers. To me, all of these things together should cause the two sisters to adopt a rather cautious attitude towards things, especially on Coventry Island.

But that's not what happens.

1. The twins don't seem to notice that the evil girl named Sersee has a name that is pronounced the same as Circe, the woman of legend who could change the forms of men.

2. Cam is obviously way too trusting of Shane, even though she has no reason to be. Yet she doesn't make any attempt to totally avoid him, or develop any forms of personal defenses against him.

3. They are invited to Crailmore, Thantos' center of power, and they accept the invitation. Why? There is no reason at all to trust Thantos, and especially no reason at all to walk right into his personal turf. Didn't the twins ever watch the X-Files? “Trust no one.”

4. They find their parent's house which has a number of books and other items in it, yet they never once discuss taking the books and other things back with them to their home. It seems to me that if someone finds their parent's home, especially with the history of the twin's parents, and they find a lot of books and other things there, they would want to take the items back with them for personal memory's sake, if nothing else.

5. There is still no effort to find, arrest, and try the two thuggish children of Fredo who murdered Karsh. No one is even looking for them. If someone murdered a person that I had a great attachment to, I would definitely want them to be found, arrested and tried.

6. They actually have dinner with Thantos and the two thugs. Why? The two thugs are murderers, and why break bread with a murderer? Besides, why didn't it ever occur to the twins that the food and drink that Thantos was providing could have been drugged or spelled? The twins cannot possibly be that naive.

7. Jason, acting totally out of character, comes to Cam and wants her to go with him and she does. How utterly unrealistic is that? Thantos is still a danger, the two murdering thugs are still loose, and there's a group of girls that are also a danger to the twins. Cam is alone at the moment, and she ignores all that to go with him?


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