Salem's Daughter

Issue 1

The story starts out sort of strangely with a Wild West format and a gunslinger who's really good shooting various guys. He says he's looking for someone in Salem. Meanwhile, the evil guy appears to a woman named Anna. She had been having dreams about him.

The guy can get others to do things they normally won't do and he convinces another guy to go and rape Anna. In the middle of the assault Anna changes and hits the buy with some kind of energy, killing him almost instantly. The townspeople are more concerned about Anna's potential use of witchcraft then with the fact some guy was trying to rape her.

Salem's Daughter #2

Anna is locked up in a cell. The parents of the boy who died are blaming her for his death. The gunslinger arrives and gets into a battle with Darius who he shoots numerous times, but it doesn't kill him. He tries to escape with Anna.

The one thing I'm wondering is that, when the gunslinger shot Darius and knew that he had hit him and slowed him down, why didn't he then fire a number of rounds into his head? If he could totally destroy the guy's skull and brain then it might take the monster a good while to regenerate, giving him and Anna time to escape.

Issue 3

The evil Darius is pressing people to hang Anna, pushing them on as hard as he can. Her father is killed in the melee. Cole turns up and starts shooting people, though, stopping the hanging.

He shoots Darius a number of times and even blows his head off, literally. Still, killing an ultimate evil being is not as easy as it seems. Things get more complicated when Anna detects some young boys are in trouble, and she wants Cole to help her save them.

Issue 4

There's been a problem with people disappearing, including a young boy. The name of the tracker is Braden. Anna, his companion, touches a guy and is able to pick up from his mind that he killed his wife. A sheriff's posse is formed and goes to the guys house and find the body of his wife, and clothing from the missing boy.

They assume that he's responsible not just for his wife's death but for the disappearance of the boy and they hang him. Anna doesn't think he was guilty of anything as far as the boy goes.

Later, at night, Anna gets hit on the back of the head and taken to some creatures lair.

Issue 5

Anna is in a cave with the boy and the monster. The gunslinger gets a group of guys together to rescue her, but it turns out he's double-crossed by them and left as a sacrifice to the monster. The monster attacks but Braden, the gunslinger, has gotten loose and throws a knife into its eye. Anna then hits it with some kind of energy, destroying the creature.

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