My Unitarian Universalist Page

~ Spirituality Section ~



This little Unitarian Universalist page is the hub of my spirituality section. A jumping-off point, if you will.

I am a Unitarian Universalist, primarily because of this church's accepting and nurturing attitude towards all, supporting and encouraging all to seek their own paths, but respecting all pathways. There are as many flavours of UU as there are of people. Also, the UU church is liberal and has a strong social-justice stance, something that is important to me. Click below to see the guiding tenets of the UUA:


Principles & Purposes

I have been a member of the UUA's Church of the Larger Fellowship since May 2000. The CLF is especially for isolated UU's who are not near a congregation or cannot, one way or another, get to one. The CLF has an online presence, sends out materials on a regular basis, has a lending library, and is always available for questions and such. It has its own minister and staff. It is a church without a building, encompassing the globe.




I am a polytheist pagan, an animist, a religious pluralist. I am a believer in many things. I am a seeker, who continues to move along her own path. I believe that a person's spirituality, over one's lifetime, is like the unfolding of a flower, new petals becoming visible as time goes on.


Exploration and becoming are good.



Various things will crop up here. But this page will be the nexus and the anchor.



Word for the Day light a candle Meet the Angel of the Hour
Interactive Labyrinth Pilgrimage

Earth Calendar
(holidays and celebrations
around the world!)



~>  Guiding Lights  <~


~> CountryMouse's Magickal Household <~


~> Mousie's Prayer Beads <~


 ~>  Remembrances  <~


~> Sanctuary <~


~> In The Garden <~


~>  Glory  <~



Free Rice - Play and Help!


Wisdom is wisdom regardless of the religion where it originates




Unitarian Universalist Association

Church of the Larger Fellowship

Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans

Famous UUs

~> Other Spiritual Links <~


Unitarian Universalist Association







"I never told my religion, nor scrutinized that of another. I never attempted to make a convert, nor wished to change another's creed. I have judged others' religions by their lives, for it is from our lives and not our words that our religions must be read." 

-- Thomas Jefferson


Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless -- Mother Teresa



 Not all those that wander are lost.  --  J. R. R. Tolkien






Ride The Rail to a Different Destination Each Day!

The Rail

You are on The Pilgrimage Train



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