Caught in a Corner

Apparently this was not a very good play. One critic wrote:

"As a piece of literary work It is not particularly good... The play might be improved by making the story more intelligible."

Another critic is a little stronger in his view:

"The author should have been fusiladed before he concocted such a mass of rubbish to inflict on a suggesting people. it is unnecessary to give its alleged plot, as Caught in a Corner is evidently not long for this world."

The story is different for Maude Adams, though.

"Miss Maude Adams as 'Mary Stuart' presented a pleasant picture and showed that she has inherited the dramatic talent of her mother, and with a little more experience will become a valuable adjunct to our local stage."

Yet another critic praised her: "Maude Adams has a rare opportunity as 'Mary Stuart' and makes the most of it. This young lad is progressing rapidly, and if she continues to improve as heretofore she will soon attain an enviable position."

At the time Maude Adams was not quite fifteen years old.
