Ranma-chan and Ranko shrine
This is my shrine to Ranma-chan and Ranko. To avoid some confusion, I'll define Ranma-chan as the female version (temporary or permanent of Ranma) and Ranko as the female-from-birth version of Ranma-chan.
It seems to me that when Ranma is in Ranma-chan form the "he" is much more at peace, more balanced, gets along better with others and is under less pressure. The stories that feature Ranma deciding to remain Ramna-chan forever remind me of what Ranma-chan said in the episode Pretty Womanhood:
"How do I explain it? It feels like I've just awakened from a long, refreshing sleep, as if I've experienced an amazingly long dream. I don't know quite how to describe it. It's as if my experiences until now aren't mine. It seems so unreal, as if I have another person's memories."
"And this morning, the real me suddenly awakened. I finally realized that I was a woman."
This shrine is going to be divided into a number of different areas:
Summaries of the Manga
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8
Volume 9
Volume 10
Volume 11
Volume 12
Volume 13
Volume 14
Volume 15
Volume 16
Volume 17
Volume 18
Volume 19
Volume 20
Volume 21
Volume 22
Volume 23
Volume 24
Volume 25
Volume 26
Volume 27
Volume 28
Volume 29
Volume 30
Volume 31
Volume 32
Volume 33
Volume 34
Volume 35
Volume 36
Comic Book Covers and Synopses
This can be found here for Parts 1 through 6.
This can be found here for Parts 7 through 12.
Covers of Japanese Manga
Japanese Manga Covers
Pretty Womanhood
My review of Pretty Womanhood
My collection of Pretty Womanhood screen caps
Ranma 1/2 Live Action Movie My review of the movie
Ranma-chan and clothes
Some pics of Ranma-chan in blue blouses and/or outfits
Some pics of Ranma-chan in green blouses and/or outfits
Some pics of Ranma-chan in tan/brown/orange-ish blouses and/or outfits
Some pics of Ranma-chan in red blouses and/or outfits
Some pics of Ranma-chan in white blouses and/or outfits
Some pics of Ranma-chan in a neat gym outfit, leotards or similar outfits
Some pics of Ranma-chan in pretty dresses
Some pics of Ranma-chan in various swimsuits
Ranma-chan not quite herself
Some pics of Ranma-chan dressed as a bunny
Some pics of Ranma-chan in "disguise"
Some pics of Ranma-chan from Romeo and Juliet
Ranma-chan here and there and busy
Some pics of Ranma-chan in a tree
Some pics of Ranma-chan from movies
Some pics of Ranma-chan fighting
Ranma-chan in art
Some pics of Ranma-chan art
Some pics of Ranma-chan on playing cards
Some pics of various Ranma-chan models
Pics from specific episodes
Digital Dojo series
Here's Ranma
School is No Place for Horsing Around
A Sudden Storm of Love
Ranma and Ranma
Akane's Lost Love
Enter Ryoga
School is a Battlefield
True Confessions
P-P-P-chan! He's good for nothin'.
Ranma Meets Love Head-On! Enter the Delinquent Female Gymnast!
A Woman's Love is War! The Martial Arts Gymnastics Challenge
A Tear in a Girl-Delinquent's Eye-The End of the Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Challenge!
Pelvic Fortune? Ranma is the No. 1 Bride in Japan
Enter Shampoo
Ranma Forever series
Katewaki Kuno, Acting Principal
Nihao! It's the Jusenkyo Guide
Pick a Peck of Happosai
From the Depths of Despair, part 1
Run Away with me, Ranma
The Dreaded Happo Mold-Burst
The Kuno Sibling Scandal
Battle for Miss Beachside
Bring it On! Love's Cheerleader, part 1
Bring it On! Love's Cheerleader, part 2
The Musical Instruments of Destruction
A Ninja's Dog is Black and White
The Tendo Dragon Legend
Boy Meets Mom, Part 1
Boy Meets Mom, Part 2
OVA series
Tendo Christmas Scramble
Akane vs. Ranma: I'll be the One to Inherit Mother's Recipes!
Stormy Weather Comes to School
The One to Carry On, Part 1
The One to Carry On, Part 2
Team Ranma vs. the Legendary Phoenix
Hell Hath No Fury Like Kasumi Scorned
The Two Akanes
Other pics of Ranma-chan
Some black-and-white non-nude pics of Ranma-chan
A few Ranma-chan animated gifs
Some pics of Ranma-chan asleep
Some pics showing closeups of Ranma-chan's face
Some pics of the pure female side of Ranma released by Happosai
Ranma-chan on You Tube
Ranma-chan Character Profile
Dirty Little Mind
I'm Sexy, I'm Cute
Just a Girl
Just Wants to be One of The Girls
Lady in Red
Looks Like a Lady
Man, Ranma Feels like a Woman
Ranma-chan -3
Ranma-chan (fighter)
Ranma chan Si Yo Fuera Mujer
Ranma is a Girl
Say It Right
Secret Combination
The Call
The Internet is for Ranma porn
Tenchi Masaki Balloon Ranma
Why Can't I?
My index page to my favorite Ranma-chan and Ranko fan fiction pieces
A short article by me examing the relationship of Akane's Mallet-Sama with Einstein's Theory of Relativity with emphasis on gender abilities
My You Tube tribute to Ranma-chan
Back to start of Anime Review section
Back to Main Index Page
Back to start of Ranma 1/2 section