Did it Really Happen?

Even before I can consider what the film means I need to determine if the events are true, or generally true. That, of course, is one of the major problems, since I can find sources that say the film is totally fictional, and other sources that say just as strongly that the film is based on fact. I find sources that say they checked up on leads in the book and found absolutely nothing to back up any "reality" to the movie; I find sources that say they did exactly the same thing and definitely found evidence to back the "reality" of the movie.However, the sources that say the movie is factual have never presented any hard evidence to back up their position..

Assuming the story was true, then there should be a very large number of newspaper articles from the time about the disappearances. There should have been various other attempts to find the girls throughout the years as technology improved and there became ways to study the Rock more closely. There probably would have even been anniversary commerations of the disappearances, yet I have never found any evidence at all that any of those exist.

Those matters, along with other things I have read, lead me to the conclusion that the movie is fictional. Excellently written and done, but still totally fictional, drawing upon various paranormal phenomenon from here and there and putting it together in an Australian setting.

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