Clean Slate

This is another of the stories where Ranma was hit by Akane, ended up in the pond, and changed to female form. Similarity ends there, though, as this story is based on the assumption that Ranma-chan has total amnesia, so we get to see the events unfold through the eyes of someone who has no idea who the people around her are. Ranma-chan has to base her assumptions about the people on their actions, and this results in some very interesting differences between this story and other fanfiction stories.

"Reasonable voice" is Kasumi, and "angry girl" is, of course, Akane. At first Ranma-chan has only the sounds of their voices to go on, so she quickly classifies the girls by the type of voice they use when talking (or yelling) to her.

The adults wonder if Ranma-chan is actually all right while Akane continues to blame Ranma for being the one hit. She notes that Ranma-chan is acting like she has amnesia, but Nabiki doesn't think Ranma-chan is actually acting at all.

One immediately interesting thing is that Ranma-chan says (to herself) that "angry voice) is really a bitch, especially since the girl is basically saying that Ranma-chan deserved to be hit. In the minds of some fans, Akane does seem to be that way; a bitch. Violent, refusing to listen to Ranma's explanation of anything, and quick to assume that Ranma is really interested in the other girls when he actually never really makes a serious attempt to seduce, woo, or otherwise interest any of the other girls in him.

Matters don't get any better when Ranma-chan is told that she is really a boy, but when they do splash her with hot water she remains a girl. Then she gets told that she's actually engaged to Akane, and she reacts with total astonishment at one girl being engaged to another.

Ranma-chan ends up calling Akane a "brainless bitch" and a "violent monster," terms which the actual series never saw, and terms which are almost never seen in any other fanfiction.

We also get another view of the violence against Ranma-chan when Genma hauls her out of her room and tries to force the girl to fight. She no longer knows how to, of course, and doesn't want to, so she gets physically hurt by her own father.

There's also a brief meeting with Ryoga and one with Ukyou.

My only complaint about the story is that it apparently has not been continued. I think it's a fascinatingly different psychological approach and could have been developed even further into a longer series with the potential of being one of the most interesting and best Ranma-chan fiction pieces ever done.

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