I thought I would
bring together the various things I have throughout this website
about Mama. She passed from this life on September 29, 2010. It's
hard to believe it's been five years. I'm so
glad she was and is our mother. I miss her lots still...
A beautiful video my sister made for Mother's Day in 2011.
Happy memories to treasure forever!
Thank you forever for being our mother! You made the best potato salad, pumpkin
pie, soft sugar cookies, and a million other yummy foods for us.
You never thought you did a good job decorating our Christmas tree, but you
always did. I loved how you arranged the packages around the tree each year. I
admire how you saved all through the year to get us just the presents we wanted.
We didn't have a lot of money, but you always put a lot of thought into our
You had a hands-off approach to your teenage
children. You were never a snoop and gave us our privacy.
You had a great sense of humour, loved all kinds of music, had the most
beautiful handwriting, and I will never forget your Southern accent, toned-down
from years in the North.
Thank you for being a strong, savvy business woman. You worked hard, keeping
everything running in an orderly fashion.
Thank you for
always taking good care of us, through all the illnesses and injuries that
children are prone to. You always brought us little presents from the grocery
store when we were sick in bed, a magazine or something nice to entertain us.
You were always there for us.
I will never forget one
birthday, when I was grown up but back home living with you, when you stuck
little Post-It notes all around the apartment with Happy Birthday and other
messages on them. Those were the kinds of presents that money can't buy and mean
the most.
I don't think we let you know how much we appreciated all you did
(and probably we didn't think about those things then--young people often
don't). But thank you for everything.
From your non-mushy daughter to her non-mushy mother,