Mousie's Prayer Beads

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Karen's Moon Beads

As soon as I saw these, I knew at some point I wanted to make some for myself!



Some of these beads have a very magical quality about them when artificial light hits them. [I have since learned they are called "miracle beads"] The photo at left was taken by natural daylight only. The photo at right was taken with incandescent lighting, augmented by the camera's flash. This was my first attempt stringing beads on wire. [ETA: Apparently I had forgotten about two little necklaces I had made 10-15 years ago, which were strung on Tigertail wire]


Created Monday, April 2, 2007 - Pink Full Moon



This is a set of relaxation/meditation beads I made for my sister. This was designed by both of us over the phone. 

Monday, April 2, 2007 - Pink Full Moon


Mousie's Tree Beads

I am worried about the remaining trees after last fall's massacre of so many of our friends next door. The survivors were pruned back severely. I keep watching for signs of growth. I decided I wanted to say prayers/do a spell for them.


On pendant: Mother Earth, please nourish these trees;
Lord of the Greenwood, please help them grow.

On divider beads: Blessed be the trees.

On green beads: Trees, trees, thrive and grow,
Your shade and beauty and friendship are what we need.

On completion say any other things you would like to say to the trees.
Then repeat beginning prayer on pendant.


Created Monday, April 2, 2007 - Pink Full Moon



 Joys and Concerns Rosary
(based on Karen Deal Robinson's beads)


Another of Karen's sets of beads that I wanted to try for myself. Click here to see her original version. I changed the order for the sections of beads to suit my own style of prayer. And I also changed the wording somewhat of the prayers. Here is my version:


Enter Sacred Space
(orange stars)

Concerns (purple flowers)

Love to Others
(green butterflies)

Thanks/Joy (pink hearts)

On the white elephant bead (before the orange stars) ask God/dess to be with you on your journey, or enter a time of reflection in some other way.

On the seven orange stars, enter sacred space by naming seven things that seem holy or magickal to you. These can be places or relationships or works of art or music or anything else that has a numinous feeling for you. When you reach the
next large bead, sit in silence for a while and listen for the voice of God/dess within you.

On the seven purple flowers, name your concerns, think of seven things that you are worried about, people that need help or healing, or any other thing that is weighing on you. Pause and listen on the next large bead.

On the seven green butterflies, share your healing energies and blessings. Send your love and good wishes and prayers out to seven people or groups of people, asking for blessing and/or healing on them. Pause and listen on the large bead.

On the seven pink hearts, name your joys, count your blessings, offer up thanksgiving for the good things in your life. Think of seven things you are thankful for, or joyous about. Pause and listen on the white elephant bead, and come out of the prayer time.


Created Friday the 13th of April, 2007 (Friday the 13th is a good Goddess day and was also Cat'r's and my handfasting anniversary)



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Photographs, scans, and prayers/mantras copyright © 2007-2008 Joanna M. Phillips unless otherwise noted